Amazon Obhijaan is an upcoming adventure film, directed by Kamaleshwar Mukherjee and produced by Shrikant Mohta and Mahendra Soni under the banner of SVF...
After creating ripples with the teaser, acclaimed filmmaker Atanu Ghosh is ready to present the trailer of his latest film: Mayurakshi.
On Thursday evening, in presence...
11 October,2017, Kolkata: Sudipta Chanda hosted a unique exhibition Bachchan Nama to celebrate Sri Amitabh Bachchan's 75 th birth anniversary between 11 October,2017-14 October,2017 at Jamini Roy Art Gallery ( ICCR ), 3PM-8PM ,Kolkata through more...
Kolkata, 9th October 2017: Fface one of the prominent talent management brands of eastern India which churns out fresh talents every year through their signature event, Fface...