Shreya Ghosal teamed up with her talented brother Soumyadeep Ghoshal who composed and produced this intense yet intricate pop song to the feeling of...
Mis-en-scene is every object that constitutes the making of a scene, the costume, make-up, lighting, camera angle, music, props, and physical space.
Tamasha’s, “Agar Tum...
The First Episode of ‘Agnisikha’ had been screened in the presence of Sourya Bhattacharya, Aratrika Maity, Chandrayee Ghosh, and Sagnik along with other cast...
Our Bollywood romances usually involved dancing in the rain, followed by the typical ‘two lovers meeting each other after a long crime-fighting climax’ format....
The twelfth edition of the Apeejay Kolkata Literary Festival 2021 hosted an exciting discussion session on a contemporary topic, “Books and Cinema: From Word...