Facebook temporarily blocked posts with the hashtag #ResignModi on its website, which was later referred to as a mistake by a censorship firm. They said they briefly blocked this hashtag by mistake, not at the request of the Indian government, and have since restored it.
On Thursday, the ministry of information technology issued an extraordinary response to a Wall Street Journal article that reported the story about the block. It said that a Wall Street Journal article linking Facebook’s removal of a specific hashtag to the government of India’s attempts to quell public protest is deceptive on evidence and mischievous in nature.
The Indian High Commission in Canberra described a critical opinion piece in The Australian newspaper as absolutely unfounded, malicious, and slanderous, early this week, and advised the newspaper’s editor-in-chief to publish a counterargument.
The Centre recently requested that Facebook and Twitter remove over 100 Covid tweets, allegedly to combat misinformation. However, at least a couple of the articles were simply government criticism.
Text by: Ankita Dutta, IBTN9
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