Japan has always intrigued people around the world with their health, diet, and life expectancy. In the most recent World Health Organization (WHO) study, Japanese women came first with life expectancies of 87 years.
Let’s take a look at how they have mastered to live a longer and healthier life.
The most appealing thing about Japanese culture is their Food. They have opted for Rice over Wheat. Rice contains fewer carbs per serving and more vitamins and minerals than wheat does.
One interesting food you can find on a Japanese table is Seaweed. Seaweeds like Kelp is a good source of protein, potassium, and iodine. They are known to reduce the risks of breast cancer. You can incorporate seaweed in soups, salads, or sushi.
Japanese consume about 4-5 types of vegetables in each meal along with Miso Soup made from fermented soybeans and soy products like tofu. Swapping red meat with fishes like Salmon, mackerel, and sardines lowers the risk of heart disease and also elevate mood.
Lastly, the consumption of Green Tea is one of the most well-habituated practices of Japan. Green tea is packed with antioxidants that help in digestion to keep off the excess pounds.
Sustainable Living and Hard Work
Japan focuses on environmental impact and cooperates collaboratively to keep a clean and green environment by diligently sorting their trash and doing their part to recycle.
Japanese individuals get in an hour of exercise a day without ever stepping foot in a gym because of their active lifestyle and hard-working schedule every day. Due to this busy and jam-packed lifestyle, people prefer walking than relying on public transportation more.
Compared with other developed nations, Japan offers what may be the best framework for a healthy life in terms of food, culture, a proper guide to sustainable living, and overall a healthy lifestyle.
Text by: Ipsita Ghosh, IBTN9
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