Srinia Chowdhury is a sculptor and art consultant based in Delhi. Recently, she hosted her first solo exhibition focused on ceramic sculptures at the Lalit Kala, New Delhi. Known for her different approach with ceramics, Srinia has secured a reputable place in the art circuit of India.
We managed to get some really interesting insights from the young sculptor on how art influences our lives at different levels.
Here is the complete interview with Srinia Chowdhury –
- In a trend of becoming doctors and engineers, how did you manage to establish yourself in the field of art?

It is indeed a very difficult journey but the peace and satisfaction attached with completion of every artwork is immense. There is nothing like pursuing one’s dreams. Every day is a learning experience in this field and like every other field; one has to keep themselves updated and keep changing with the times. ‘Sadhna’ and ‘Experiment’ is the only key to establish in this field. I am establishing myself every day.
- Does art influence the thinking of an observer? If so, how?
Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder but yes art also has the capacity to influence people’s thinking. If an observer is keen then he/she can understand the layers of emotional and mental depth of a piece and if some work is issue centric then it should be able to evoke their feelings towards that issue. Art has the capacity to make one think. Every piece of art is a book full of poems/ story.
Srinia Chowdhury with art curator Johny M.L. Do you think, passive imposition of colours onto a child, affect his/her choices while growing into an adult and put them through gender policing, for e.g., ‘pink is for girls’, ‘blue for boys’, etc.? If so, how should people shape a child’s personality with the help of art, right from the beginning?
In 2007 a study found evidence that males and females may be sensitive to different regions of the color spectrum. Also, babies are attracted to primary colors such as red and blue. The preference and choice of colors depends on each person and their personality but their choices are certainly influenced by society. Historically babies were dressed in whites so that their clothes can be cleaned and bleached but with industrialization post 19th century some manufacturers started to promote blue for boys and pink for girls and there on it was first a fashion and now a practice. Children should not be made gender biased at all. Neither in terms of colors not in anything else. In fact it would be nice if boys were taught to love pink more than blue if pink is really is the colors of girls so that they would know that pink is dainty and delicate and should be handled with love and care then maybe there would be more respect for women in our patriarchal society.
Art can be instrumental in development of child’s mental state. Colors, drawing, scribbling can channelize a child’s flowing energy in correct direction and art has scientifically proved to have calming effects on a human mind. If a child can be introduced and engaged with art in early years I am sure he/she would be calmer and mentally peaceful child.