Poulomi Productions released it’s debut online music series “Amar Mon Bandhibi Kemone” in presence of ace singer Rupankar at Press Club, recently. Poulomi Nandan a trained singer tried her luck at this fresh music series featuring folk from Bengal, songs of Tagore with fresh musical arrangement done by noted musicians-composers from Bengal like Soumya Bose, Kundan Saha,Ashu Chakraborty while songs have been rendered by Poulomi Nandan, Shovan Gangulyand Soumya Bose.
It features three songs like Amar Haat Bandhibi a fusion of Bengali folk sung by Soumya Bose and Poulomi, music designed by Soumya Bose, Amar Hiyar Majhe a gentle Tagore song by Shovan Ganguly and Poulomi, music designed by Ashu Chakraborty, Khachar Bhitor Achin Pakhi a Lalon geeti sung by Poulomi while music designed by Kundan Saha.Altogether it stands for some soulful songs having a fresh musical presentation.