CultureFilmAvra Banerjee Launched His New Album "Zindagi"

Avra Banerjee Launched His New Album “Zindagi”


Zindagi a non film music album by Kankana & Sanchari was released today in the presence of great musical personality, Purbayan Chatterjee and others at Multipurpose Hall( Shrishikshayatan School). Music has been scored by Avra Banerjee.

About the Album :
“Zindagi” has captured the essence of different emotions of life like compassion, love, simplicity. dreams, joy, sorrow, loneliness and detachment. The album is a compilation of five modern Hindi songs retaining a classy feel of blending genres seamlessly ranging from Progressive Rock, Jazz, Blues, Latin and Indian classical music.

Kankona & Sanchari
Kankona & Sanchari

About the Artist’s :
This compilation has featured two very talented singers Kankana & Sanchari debuting for the album. They belong to a musical family and been trained in Hindustani Classical music from childhood.
The music and concept is created by Avra Banerjee who has around 15 years trained in Indian Classical instrumental music, is an independent musician who plays “sarod” and mostly presents his compositions in ensemble inviting renowned musicians from the world joining him performing on his compositions. He has worked with legends like Hariharan, Ustad Rashid Khan and Grammy nominated artiste George Broohs. Avra’s flrst album featuring Hariharan was nominated in India’s biggest musical award GIMA in 2013 and the subsequent album featuring Ustad Rashid Khan and George Brooks got a nomination by IMA, USA in 2014 respectively for his work in fusion and world music.

Purbayan Chaterjee
Purbayan Chaterjee


Tamal K Halder has done the music production job that includes arrangement, drums programming and mixing, the lyrics has been penned down by Bhaswar Dasgupta for this album.


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