Windows 7 and 8.1 users are excited about the Windows 10 ‘free’ upgrade. However, there are a lot of people who still believe, this free upgrade is too good to be true. Weeks before the official launch of the new operating system, existing users noticed a small Windows icon on the right bottom of their screens which allowed them to reserve a free installation of the new version of Microsoft Windows operating system.
After the official launch on July 29, 2015, Microsoft rolled out the free upgrades to its existing users. Within a week of the launch, millions have already started using the beautiful new Windows 10 operating system. But the question remains – is it really free?
The Microsoft website states the following under the Q&A section:

“I paid for a licensed version of Windows 8.1 64bit OS, it’s just another update. The goodness of using original copies of an OS”, said a Windows 8.1 user in India. If we look at it from this perspective, then Windows 10 being free is really not as shocking as it seems. But we cannot deny the fact that Microsoft is changing itself from a product to a service oriented business. Windows 10 seems to be a platform from where the company shall be rolling out a set of paid services to its users and few basic Windows feature might also be missing without paying for them. In this context, here is another screenshot from the Microsoft website where it clearly states that the company shall be charging for few tools / features of the operating system:

Official sources from Microsoft clearly stated that few features like the Windows DVD Player and Solitaire (which is the most popular Windows freebie since its version 3.0), will be payable. Microsoft’s trick cannot be limited to only these two features and clearly indicates that its users will see a lot of more of this as Addon services from the Microsoft store. The worst part – Microsoft would possibly install limited period trial versions of such payable apps as ‘important updates’ under the Windows Update section and once users become dependent on those apps, the trial periods would end, demanding paid subscription for the same.
However, from the point of sustainability of Microsoft as a business, there is nothing wrong is charging for innovative products or services, especially after the company had previously announced that Windows 10 shall be its last ‘perfect’ version of Windows. But another thing is also clear to the Microsoft Windows 10 users – no more extra free stuff!